Distribution bar with automation technology
Large construction project with corresponding pipelines
chamber manifold installed in the base slab
Probe lines on the construction site
Make optimal use of the energy from the ground
Service and maintenance

What we do

A dynamic team of plant technicians, designers, software developers, plastic welders, pipeline builders and service technicians create the basis for optimally building geothermal systems and permanently exploiting their full potential.
Employee operates a CAD application


Planning and construction of system components

Design of system components

Performance analysis and hydraulic balancing

Service technician in action

Data processing and intelligent system control

Person Looking At Graphs On Computer

Service and maintenance

Employee carries out maintenance
geo-c develops and produces components for
geothermal systems through which the potential
of these systems can be fully exploited

On this path from the idea to the delivery of the finished
product to your construction site, we utilize all possibilities
to act sustainably in every area. This innovative company
structure benefits not only the environment and the climate,
but also our employees and customers.

  • State-of-the-art systems and buildings technology
  • Electricity generation and storage to cover the
    energy requirements for production and administration
  • Use of geothermal energy storage for heating and cooling
  • Optimization of work routes and staff deployment
  • Regional supply chains
  • Forward-looking material and warehouse logistics
  • Intelligently controlled production processes
Green Tree


energy-control ec-100

Hydraulic balancing unnecessary -
with the intelligent control ec-100 from geo-c
the geothermal system becomes a powerhouse
computer icon


Construction and manufacturing

relation icon

Performance analysis and hydraulic balancing

Probe icon

From the probe to the heat pump